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Athlete Services  

OFC Athlete Assessment     

OFC Individual Athlete Development Session    

$185/60 min  

$ 150/60 min


OFC Athlete Assessment / Prehab Program Development 


Athletes will undergo a comprehensive orthopaedic and functional athlete movement assessment to assess primary orthopaedic issues , determine functional status and identify key or primary physical issues that may impact performance or predispose injury . Athletes will define primary physical complaints and detail specific areas of needs for improvement.


Athletes rehabilitating injuries will be assessed for readiness for return to play and will develop an interdisciplinary management plan with their OFC therapist along with specific training guidelines and recommendations .


Athletes will  be guided step to step on an individual and specific Prehab program that may include specific therapeutic exercises , athletic movement development and sport specific movement progressions and sport and injury specific conditioning to help optimize preparation for sport for life.




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Tel: 604.725.3510

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